Secupro Government BV
Secupro Government BV
Secupro ist seit mehr als 15 Jahren spezialisiert auf zerstörungsfreie Öffnungstechniken für Türen, Fahrzeuge, Hotels und Safes sowie verdeckte Audio- und Video-Installation und Überwachungstechniken. Zum Dienstleistungs-Portfolio gehören ebenfalls professionelle und akkreditierte Trainings. Alle Secupro-Trainer sind ehemalige Polizei- oder Militäreinsatzkräfte mit Erfahrung in der verdeckten Strafermittlung.
Präsentation: 30min – Tactical and covert Data Acquisition
Workshoptitel: 110min – Emergency Entry training and data acquisition from vehicles
* Eingeschränkt nur auf Regierungsorganisationen und LEAs – Dienstausweis muss vorgelegt werden*
Secupro Government BV
For more than 15 years, Secupro has specialised in high end tracking & monitoring, audio and video deployment, installation and surveillance techniques, non-destructive covert operations solutions, accredited surveillance training and project based training. All Secupro instructors are former police or military operatives who have experience in the field of covert law enforcement and governmental operations.
Presentation: Tactical and covert Data Acquisition
Covert building entry and fast imaging from HDD, Smartphones, Pen drives, SD cards, etc. Covert Video / Audio Installation, Alarm Defeat
Workshop: Emergency Entry training and data acquisition from vehicles
Emergency Entry Training – In case of emergency assistance or rescue situations where postponement of entry is not acceptable and / or assistance from third parties cannot be waited on, you
can learn how to limit unnecessary damage to doors and windows but also achieve your goal in a professional, safe and fast way with this course
Presentation: 30min – Tactical and covert Data Acquisition
Workshop: 110min – Emergency Entry training and data acquisition from vehicles
*Restricted to governmental organizations only – Service ID must be presented*