Seit 18 Jahren ist Passware Fortune 500 Unternehmen, internationalen Polizeiagenturen, föderalen, staatlichen und lokalen Behörden, IT- und Forensik-Experten und tausenden geschäftlichen und privaten Nutzern bei Passwortproblemen behilflich. Zu den Kunden gehören IRS, NASA, Boeing, DOD, US Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security und viele weitere.
Workshoptitel: 60min – Decryption Best Practices
For the last 18 years, Passware has been helping Fortune 500 corporations, worldwide police agencies, federal, state, and local government agencies, IT and forensic professionals, and tens of thousands of businesses and private users with their password problems. Customers are IRS, NASA, Boeing, DOD, US Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security and many others.
Workshop title: 60min – Decryption – best practices