[:de]Opentext [:en]Opentext[:]
[:de]Opentext Encase
Opentext sind die stolzen neuen Besitzer von Guidance Software und Tableau Hardware. EnCase® Forensic v8 bietet dem Nutzer optimale forensische Untersuchungsmöglichkeiten auf dem gewünschten Datenträger. Die Daten können in einem Image gespeichert und mit effizienten Suchmechanismen ausgewertet werden. Dies geschieht unter Beibehaltung der Datenintegrität. Forensische Ermittlungslösungen umfassen EnCase Forensic, EnCase Endpoint Investigator, und EnCase Mobile Investigator.
[:en]Opentext Encase
Opentext are the proud new owners of Guidance Software and Tableau Hardware, who have been the leader in digital investigation software for two decades, beginning as a solution utilized by law enforcement to solve criminal cases. Since then, digital forensics practices have also made their way to the corporate world for cybersecurity, corporate investigations, and e-Discovery purposes. Just as federal and state authorities look for digital evidence to convict lawbreakers, IT managers, security professionals, and legal teams use Opentext forensic products to collect and preserve evidence to analyze and defend against a cyberattack, stop an insider threat, or complete an internal investigation. Forensic investigative solutions include EnCase® Forensic, EnCase® Endpoint Investigator, and EnCase® Mobile Investigator.